The Texas fellowship of The Fishermen Ministry was started by Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. in 2002 after he and his family moved to there from South Carolina. In January 2017 Richard passed away and the Texas fellowship is now run by Steven H. Atherton. For recent audio recordings of the services held at our Texas branch of The Fishermen Ministry, click here.
Audio Archived Messages
From SUNDAY Texas Services

September 2022 Texas Sunday Services
September 2022 Texas Sunday Services from The Fishermen Ministry
Audio Archived Messages
From WEDNESDAY Texas Services

January 2021 Texas Wednesday Services
January 2021 Texas Wednesday Services from The Fishermen Ministry

Texas Wednesday Service 2020-12-30
Freely receive, freely give. The things the Lord does and has for you, do you extend them to others? The…

Texas Wednesday Service 2020-12-23
What is it to enter into His rest? I give up, which is a total surrender. Put off the old…

Texas Wednesday Service 2020-12-16
Ask the Lord to fix you so you can show people who He is. That is being about the Lord’s…

Texas Wednesday Service 2020-12-09
Do you have freedom, peace, love, joy? Do you have fear, mental anguish, worry? If you do not have freedom,…

Texas Wednesday Service 2020-12-02
The Lord is here and has been always been with His hand outstretched. He wants you to walk in all…

Texas Wednesday Service 2020-11-25
The Lord is a redeemer! There’s nothing that Jesus can’t fix. If you worry in fear of any situation or…

Texas Wednesday Service 2020-11-18
How do you know you are the Lord’s? If you disregard the feedback loop, you cause collateral damage. Are you…

Texas Wednesday Service 2020-11-11
What does it look like to give your life to Jesus? Are you wearisome? Wearisomeness is a warning sign.

Texas Wednesday Service 2020-11-04
Where’s your confidence? Don’t go down with the plane. Do you have confidence in the Lord?

Texas Wednesday Service 2020-10-28
Your mistakes are good fertilizer for the next person going through the same thing. Jesus didn’t go to shed His…

Texas Wednesday Service 2020-10-21
You have a ministry ground RIGHT WHERE YOU STAND. Consider what I say and the Lord give thee understanding in…