Every believer is called to minister. There are no “pew warmers” in Christ’s Church. If you are not ministering then what place do you have in Christ? After all, what part of your natural body does not minister? Why then would you think it would be any different in the Body of Christ, which is His Church? If you have not taken your place in the Body of Christ, how then do you hope to be saved? These questions may be hard, but they highlight fundamental truths that seem to have been largely lost in today’s church world. We aim to do our part to change that.
Part of the problem is that people’s idea of what it means to be a minister is incorrect. Most think a minister is a person who stands in the pulpit on Sunday morning and delivers a sermon. That understanding is incorrect. Ministering should be done by every believer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. After all, does not the Bible teach us how to be husbands and fathers, wives and mothers, employers and employees? Does Christ not charge us all to preach the Gospel? Even sleeping (or staying up for that matter) should be done in faith. As the Bible teaches that anything that is not of faith is sin and we know that without faith it is impossible to please Him, it becomes pretty important to learn how to walk, day by day and hour by hour by faith. As we do, the Lord inhabits every aspect of our lives and our entire lives become a ministry unto those with whom we come into contact. The result is that people come to see that Christ is real because He manifests Himself unto them through us.
The central means the Lord uses for training ministers is discipleship. He used it Himself and commanded His disciples to do likewise. Discipleship is nothing more than a form of on the job training. The minister teaching the disciple must know the Lord, know the Lord’s ways and walk in the power of God. It is only then that the minister can show the disciple how to do likewise. Given the close personal relationship between the minister and the disciple, discipleship is best done in person. That being said, the Spirit of the Lord has enabled us to use modern communication to work with people remotely via the Internet, telephone and other means of communication. To learn more about discipleship in this ministry, click here to review the covenant we use in all discipleship relationships.
As part of our mission to train ministers of the Gospel, we also offer the following:
Training at your site.
The Body of Christ is mobile. You see that mobility in Jesus’ ministry as well as the ministry of His disciples. If you want one of our ministers to come to your location to work with you, your fellowship or your community, give us a call. We do seminars, workshops, tent revivals and more as the Lord leads.
Annual Ministers’ Convention.
Our annual, week-long ministers convention at Grace Ranch every October is a great way to be renewed and strengthened to the work the Lord has given you. Click here for details on this year’s convention and here to listen to messages from past conventions.
Christian Boot Camp at Grace Ranch.
When you receive Christ as your Lord and Savior, you become a soldier for Christ. Therefore, much like boot camp in the military, we invite those that want to learn to be soldiers for Christ to come to Grace Ranch for boot camp.