Who Are The Elect Of God?

Who Are The Elect Of God?
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr.
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They are the men and women called by The Father through His Word, Jesus! They are led by His Holy Spirit and are moved by nothing else. They walk with a confidence that is not of this world. Their confidence is in the Power of God and His Word. They have the testimony of His Spirit in them. It is a witness to His Greatness and Sovereignty! Their eyes hold steadfast the path that has been given them to walk. They look neither to the right or to the left. They are not caught up in the things of this world. They belong to a kingdom that natural man can not see. Nor in truth wants to see. The natural man thinks of himself and how the world relates to him. The Spiritual man and woman think on the things that are above and care not for the things below.

The feet of the Elect are swift to run in the service of their King, Jesus. They speak those things that are His and not their own. They are not interested in ‘self-glory’ but to Glorify Jesus Christ, risen from the Dead and Alive for evermore, that is their ‘glory’! The Elect of God are not afraid to pray for the sick. They know that their power is not of this earth. But that they have the Power of The Living God who bears witness that they are His! To them fear is darkness, and darkness is not a place that they dwell in. They dwell in the Light that is Jesus Christ. The same Light that was in the beginning with God!

The Elect of God testifies of that Light by their Love one for another. The Love of God and The Light of God are one and the same. They are Jesus! The Only Begotten Son! The one who shed His blood for the sins of the world. Not for the Elect only, but for all that have lived and will live in this world. That is his Perfect Love! If he had died only for those whom He knew would accept Him, then His Love would not have been perfect! But to die for those who would reject Him and still Love them, That is Perfect Love!

The Elect of God walk in that perfect Love. It ever draws them to that place of perfection that The Father has for them. Even when they falter or grow weary, it is That Love, The Love of  Jesus Christ that holds them fast to His bosom and brings them through unto Himself!

Are you one of the Elect of God? Do you have a hunger for God and His Word that can not be supplanted by anything that this life has to offer? Have you been seeking this relationship and know that it is there, but have not found out how to have it for yourself? Fear not, for the fact that you are reading this testifies to the Greatness that is Our Lord and God! Remember the words of John, 1:12 “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:”

The Power to believe is given by God, all we have to do is agree with Him. Then it is He that gives us the Power to become the sons of God! Give yourself to Him and He will give Himself to you.
