South Carolina Sunday Service 2020-10-11

South Carolina Sunday Service 2020-10-11

You are a prisoner of your own self-image.  How often do you hold to the beliefs you walked in before knowing Christ?


Service Notes For Sunday South Carolina 2020-10-11


  • Steve Atherton


  • Isaiah 6:1, Romans 3:23, Titus 3:7, Galatians 6:1-10, Judges, Ephesians 4:1, 2 Timothy 4:5, Galatians 5:6, Psalm 39:5, John 3:21, Hosea 8:7, Romans 8:6, 2 peter 1:1-4, Luke 10:13


  • The message given to preach, is not generally the one people want to preach, because it doesn’t make people feel good. 
  • Whether you’re looking at revival for an individual or a body, it always begins with judgment followed by repentance. 
  • How often are you a prisoner of your own self-image or your past? How often do you hold to the beliefs you walked in before knowing Christ? Have you received the good things of God but haven’t repented, turning from your old ways? 
  • Righteous judgment is a thing that should be sought after. Most “judgment” people tend to pass is not a righteous judgment but condemnation. 
  • There is nothing you can do to enter in and be saved, but one thing, make a choice to join yourself to your risen Savior. You are not worthy in and of yourself. 
  • Nobody can make you believe the promises of God, that is a choice only you can make. 
  • Love is scarce, love only comes from God. Most people don’t know what love is.
  • The Lord had judges to judge the people, for the people’s sake, so they could receive all that the Lord had for them. Are you willing to be judged by a man or woman of God so you can receive all the Lord has for you? God is known for His judgments. 
  • The Lord has a vocation for everyone, are you walking worthy of it? If you are that’s where God will be evident to others. In Christ, you partake of that which He is, rather than of that which you are.
  • Doubt is the thing that leads you unto corruption. All of your faith needs to be in Christ. When you find yourself guilty before God, what can you do?  Receive that truth, repent and go forward in Him. 
  • It is critical that God arise in this fellowship and that we arise as one man. 
  • Are you forward to come to the light? Do you bring EVERYTHING to the light, to be shown your works, whether they be wrought in God?
  • The law of reaping and sowing applies to all. Are you sowing to the flesh or the spirit? 
  • Walk in love, God is love and is good, you are not. 
  • There is not a single issue you struggle with that is bigger than the grace of God for you to be set free, you will not be set free unless you receive the truth first.