By: Ann C. Eutsler. This is an age-old question I hope to shed some light on. I know from experience the battle, without and within, that a woman goes through when she is called by God to the ministry.

Teachings Include: A Word About Prayer, Walking in the Spirit, 2 Peter 1, Fear of the Lord, Diligence, Baptism 1,2,3, These are the Last Days, God’s Election, Who is a Minister, The Second Passover, Are you Free from Fear, Secular Humanism, Tithing, Offering, Alms-giving, Matthew 3:11, The Elect of God Rejected in Pride.
By: Ann C. Eutsler. This is an age-old question I hope to shed some light on. I know from experience the battle, without and within, that a woman goes through when she is called by God to the ministry.
By: Ann C. Eutsler. A teaching on what Paul is speaking of when he says a woman’s “behavior becometh holiness”.
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. The Second Passover. Hear the word of the Lord, all of you who are called by His name! Wake up to the sound of the alarm! God has sent and is sending His Watchmen out…
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. God’s Election. This letter is written to all those who are called of God through Jesus Christ to be the Elect Seed, by His servant, Richard D. Eutsler, called to be an Apostle in this…
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Who Is A Minister? This letter is written in the hope of finding and reaching the Elect Seed of God and of Jesus Christ our ONLY Savior, by Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. His servant in…