Paul embraced the chain of the Lord. Amongst the fellowship and Christians today they consider everything the Lord would do to keep them in the way, as an inconvenience, a frustration and something to be avoided at all costs and yet they want all the good things of Christ.
Service Notes For Sunday Georgia 2018-05-13
- Steven Atherton
Ephesians 4:1-3, Matthew 7:14, 1 Timothy 1:15, Galatians 5:13-15
- Paul embraced the chain of the Lord. Amongst the fellowship and Christians today they consider everything the Lord would do to keep them in the way, as an inconvenience, a frustration and something to be avoided at all costs and yet they want all the good things of Christ.
- The only way to walk out the love of Jesus, which is our vocation, is to be tethered tightly to Him. To embrace the bonds of being His prisoner, to allow Christ to use us as His body here on earth, doing His will, not ours. That is what Paul the Apostle did.
- People think their joy is in doing what they want and getting what they want, it’s frustrating because it never fulfills. Joy can only truly be found in the Lord when embracing the bonds of Christ.
- Man is evil, God is good. Without God, man cannot do good. The principal focus in life should be on Christ.
- Paul understood who he was and that his nature in every way was completely contrary to the Lord.
- Meekness is a recognition for our complete and total dependence on the Lord.
- The Gospel is that Jesus Christ came to save the unrighteous.
- We need to be long-suffering and forbearing one to another.
- Recognize what we are after the flesh and choose to be tethered to Christ, that is our only hope.
- In Christ’s Kingdom we are free!
- God is love, if we are going to be fervent about God, then we are going to be fervent in charity.
- If we won’t be ministers of Christ’s love, why would He send anyone else to us to minister unto?