Texas Wednesday Service 2020-08-05

Texas Wednesday Service 2020-08-05

If you can’t acknowledge your need, you won’t be supplied it. You must have a knowledge of your short coming, but the greater knowledge is knowing that he swallowed your shortcomings up in victory! Allow God to bring you to a place where you will lack nothing.



Service Notes For Wednesday Texas 2020-08-05


  • Robin Atherton


  • Romans 3:21-28, John 21:15-17, 2 Peter 1:1-7, Matthew 25:23, Hebrews 11:6, 1 Samuel 15, Philippians 4:13


  • You have to know Christ as King to be able to tell others. The only way to know it is by the Gospel. To acknowledge a thing and to know it, to live it.  It is two different things. 
  • If you are going to be able to stand in the Lord, it is only through the Gospel, not by any good thing of yourself. That’s the thorn, you want to look good, and the truth is you aren’t good, Jesus is. 
  • War a good warfare, press and honor God.
  • You too often look to find fault with your brethren, God doesn’t see any difference between you and your brother. 
  • When Jesus raised from the dead, He claimed the victory for all who will receive it. You must desire and grasp the God of creation right now. 
  • You can’t love another in you, in Christ you can. 
  • Want God, honor Him, and know what He says is true. Pray believing. 
  • God is good, He hears, He answers. That which we ask for to serve Him, He will bring it. 
  • Being justified freely, there is not cost, nothing we can do to earn it. When you believe God, you declare the righteousness for the remission of sins. If you believe Him, in His eyes, you’re not falling short. 
  • You don’t walk because you are able, you walk because He is able. He is Jehovah Jireh, there is no lack on God. 
  • The hope in Christ is an active hope, when you fall, you get back up, because you’re not about the fall, but be about the stand. 
  • When you find yourself in the depths of your own depravity, the answer is not getting better, it’s to believe. The only good is to believe the perfect work of Christ, to redeem everyone. 
  • Love is acknowledging where one comes from instead of being judges. Where they’re wrong and you are “right” is not the answer. 
  • If you can’t acknowledge your need, you won’t be supplied it. You need grace and peace to be multiplied. 
  • Do you hold the Word of God that comes to you in esteem? You should, that’s His provision for you. He provides all things the Apostles needed to walk in Godliness, then they give it out to the body. Will you receive it? 
  • God came to deliver you from what you deserve. 
  • You must have a knowledge of your short coming, but the greater knowledge is knowing that He swallowed your shortcomings up in victory! Allow God to bring you to a place where you will lack nothing. 
  • Is your confession of faith enviable? If it isn’t, it’s because you’re lacking Christ. There is no lack in Christ Jesus.