Texas Wednesday Service 2020-12-23

Texas Wednesday Service 2020-12-23

What is it to enter into His rest?  I give up, which is a total surrender.  Put off the old man and walk in God’s rest.

Service Notes For Wednesday Texas 2020-12-23


  • Rick Eutsler


  • Hebrews 4:1, Romans 8:25


  • Why do you raise hands to the Lord?  To surrender.  “I give up”
  • Everything in God’s Word says it’s redeemable.
  • Are you too afraid to take an opportunity because you don’t know what’s on the other side?
  • The only way you will go on unto perfection is starting with the wholesale abandonment of the old man, and that starts with believing God.
  • The old man is death, the only way to get out of that starts with believing God.
  • Without Him you can do nothing.  So when you are in you, you aren’t in Him.  When you are at home in the body you are separated from Christ, which means you can’t do anything in Him.
  • Getting into His rest is ceasing from your works.
  • If you’re going about the things of God, you can’t be going about the things of the world.
  • To be mixed with faith means to be digested properly.
  • If you believe God, you live, if you don’t, you die.  It’s life and death.
  • Just believe God, stop trying to justify yourself against Him.
  • We saw with Moses that the children of Israel believed God when they obeyed Moses.  If you believe God, the naturally occurring thing will be obedience and submission.
  • When you are frustrated, and burdened, you are not in Christ because His Word says His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
  • When you truly want to be free of a thing you have to not accept any part of it and put it off entirely to gain the freedom Christ has for you.  Put off the old man and walk in God’s rest.
  • Doing the work of God is believing on Him whom God hath sent.
  • Take time to get with the Lord to see what it is to enter into His rest.