
Teachings on subjects from alcoholics, baptism, fear, finances, healing, prayer, secular humanism, The Elect of God, The Promise, The Veil, Tithing, Walking in the Spirit, The Watchman and more.

We have put together some Teachings that people have asked for over the years.  We hope to have them more available in the future.  We have tried to list them in a fashion that is self explanatory.

  • Baptism – What’s all the fuss about?  By:  Richard D. Eutsler, Sr.
  • Ephesians 1 – This is not ‘melba toast and milk’!  This is an in-depth teaching and covers many topics that are confusing to some Christians.  This one you will have to download to your computer in PDF format.  It is 43 pages long.  When you read this and understand it, you will better understand where many of the churches are coming from.  By:  Richard D. Eutsler, Sr.
  • Is the Church in Trouble? – Is the Church in trouble today?  How would you know?  Read this and see what you think.  By:  Richard D. Eutsler, Sr.
  • Matthew 3:11 – This is a good basic teaching on setting your sights on God to do His will.  By:  Richard D. Eutsler, Sr.
  • Saved by Grace or by Works? – I know that many have attempted to answer this question.  Many with more learning than I.  But maybe the fact that I have not been “learned” in stupidity, I might just have a handle on this.  See for yourself.  By:  Richard D. Eutsler, Sr.
  • Secular Humanism – What is Secular Humanism?  By:  Richard D. Eutsler, Sr.
  • The Promise – This was a blessing of understanding that God The Father gave to me concerning Jesus and His Crucifixion a couple of years ago.  If you don’t read anything else, read this!  By:  Richard D. Eutsler, Sr.
  • Tithing, Offering and Alms-giving – This is probably one of the most controversial topics that I could choose to write on.  But it is one that needs to be covered.  I am working on a follow up teaching and it should be posted here soon.  By:  Richard D. Eutsler, Sr.
  • Vanity of Their Mind – Did you ever wonder where ‘self-esteem’ came from?  By:  Ann Eutsler

Over the years the Lord has blessed me with understanding in certain areas of scripture that (for some reason or other) He has not widely shown to everybody. As I would receive these nuggets of understanding from The Lord, I would write them down. Then would begin the long process of cross study to be sure that I got it right. Some of the things you will find here may not agree with what is being taught in the mainline churches. But after long hours of study and in some cases, years of study I believe that they can be trusted to be true. I leave that decision up to you.

Although I call this our Teachings Page, you will also find some Prophesies that I have received over the years. Again, I put them here for you to judge. Not everyone will agree with what they find here. It is not up to me to make “believers” out of anybody. That job description is solely up to Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit! All I can do is put forth those things that God has given me as faithfully as I can. The rest is up to you and Him.

Without going into to much detail here, for I will do that on another page, I came into the ministry of Jesus Christ in 1972. After a short time I began to get confused about all of the discrepancies among “Christian” teachings. It seemed that nobody could agree on anything except that Jesus Christ is the Son of God! And some could not even do that very well. To me the Scriptures opened up and flowed with a truth and certainty that I had never experienced in my life. I did not want to lose that! So I decided to go into the “desert” and search out what God would have me do and to know His Word. The plan was simple: I would pray and fast until He gave it to me. I didn’t know too much about praying and fasting, but after reading about Daniel and how he prayed and fasted, for it seemed that he did not have a set time to fast and pray over a thing, he just did it until he heard from The Lord. Looking back on it, I can see where some may think that I was a ‘little’ crazy, but to me it made perfect sense.

I did not have to wait very long. After seven days and nights, The Lord opened up the Scriptures to me from Genesis to Revelation. It was done in a vision form as if I were there seeing it happen. Don’t get me wrong, there are many things that He did not open up to me. (I believe He has others that He shows those things to.) But what He opened to me, no man has been able to close!

Some of these things I will share here as Time permits. The shorter ones I will put up here and include a link so you can download them for later study. The longer ones, I will just put up a link and you can download them if you choose.

My hope is that by reading, you may be blessed with a better understanding of God’s Word. And for some of you, I hope that some of these will be a ‘confirmation’ to what God has already shown you.

Your Brother in Christ Jesus,
Richard D. Eutsler, Sr.