We are not going to see things change without the power of God being manifest! If we claim Christ are we not to manifest him?
Service Notes For Sunday Connecticut 2018-06-10
- Steven Atherton
Isaiah 55:9, Matthew 11:25, Acts 16:14, John 18:36, Ephesians 4:11-13, Acts 15:29, Acts 8, Mark 16:16, Matthew 7:11, Romans 7:18, John 15:5, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Exodus 4:10, Matthew 4:8-10, Matthew 10:8
- We get to choose to serve the Lord.
- Things in our nation are not improving but getting worse.
- The people crucified Jesus because He told the truth.
- God had a plan for redemption for man from the beginning. He is gracious and has made a way for those who will be partakers of His plan.
- People don’t know God’s ways, if we don’t know His ways how can we walk in them?
- Today we have different standards that we judge by, there should only be one, the King James Bible.
- Why are we not hearing the same thing in different churches? Is Jesus divided? God wants us to know His way, to do His will.
- The apostles and those who followed after Jesus in truth did miraculous things because they believed.
- Knowing Jesus and understanding the Word of God is not done by us, it is a thing performed by God.
- The things of the kingdom of God are not of this world.
- The Church, which is the body of Christ, brings the Kingdom of God.
- How often do we see healing and deliverance happen in Church these days? We are not going to see things change without the power of God being manifest!
- America was never great because of America, but because God’s grace is awesome!
- God’s grace has always been there to keep us, grace covers sin.
- When we go about trying to be good, you are not pleasing to God because He knows we are not good.
- If man was good, God would not have to die for us.
- Are we willing to put off our ways to walk in His ways?
- Moses was a person just like the rest of us, but God used him mightily!
- Our age doesn’t matter, we can choose to stand on the foundation of God whether we are young or old, it doesn’t matter! He is able to do extraordinary things through ordinary people.
- Where is justice? In order for there to be justice somebody has to be just! He gives us instructions on how every aspect of our lives should function.
- If we claim Christ, are we not to manifest Him? If we don’t manifest Him, why is it a surprise when there is no justice?
- We need to stand in grace toward others so they may come to a place to know God, His grace and His love for themselves.
- Be equipped for the battle in our lives, in Christ so people can see that He is real.