God’s agenda or your agenda? There is only one correct answer. (RE-BROADCAST OF 2015-03-15)
Service Notes for Sunday Vermont 2017-12-24 – RE-BROADCAST of the service from 2015-03-15
- Steven Atherton
- Charles Hocker
Matthew 27:34-47, John 5, John 15:5, John 17
- Darkness flees from the light. Light always overtakes darkness.
- Jesus had communion with the Father from the beginning.
- When he was on the cross, the Father forsook Him, because he couldn’t look upon the sin that He was about ready to take upon Him.
- This is a time that Jesus knew would happen.
- Jesus had perfect faith in His Father that He would win the victory.
- When we are in times of our lives that there is no light, do we have that faith in Jesus with what He accomplished? Then that hope and freedom will come.
- The quicker I set my face toward Jesus, the quicker I am pulled out of that darkness.
- Those times you are in the darkness the Lord never forsakes you.
- Jesus had that perfect faith in what He would accomplish.
- I have to hold onto that promise that He gives us. That is the key. If I let go of the promise, I’ve lost my hope. Let us hold onto that promise!
- Agendas: we are here to fulfill God’s agenda, not ours.
- At the pool of Bethesda, the people put their trust in the angel. The man who is made whole by Jesus on the sabbath day, it is so wrong! They must kill that man! He broke their religious rules. They had made an idol out of the Sabbath.
- Jesus answered them, “My father worketh hitherto, and I work.”
- He said the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do.
- He told His disciples, “I am the vine, ye are the branches…without Me ye can do nothing”.
- The exact same way Jesus had to walk on this earth, He taught the disciples to do.
- Jesus’s friends are those who do whatsoever He commanded them. If you are going to serve the Lord, you can’t have any agenda of your own.
- The Lord lives in the moment; right now. We have to be rid of any agenda that we have, to be ready to serve the Lord.
- The fundamental issue we have with this body is everyone has their own agenda. We want to further our own agendas, and justify ourselves. What does it matter what you are going to do today? You were bought with a price. You are His now.
- Jesus kept the Word pure because it came from God Himself. Every professor wants to give insight to a thing to make himself important. Is it of God? No.
- Jesus had no agenda of His own. He was about His Father’s business constantly.
- Do you believe God is able to sanctify you? If you don’t, why do you call Him God, and if you do, why aren’t you walking in it?
- The disciples have the pure Word from Jesus and if you won’t hear them, there is no difference between them and Jesus. You have rejected Jesus’s Word. The end is hell.
- Some of the disciples were killed, such as James, Stephen, a faith filled man and deacon, was stoned to death. People saw the great power of God on Philip and the Word was preached true, it had power because it was the true Word of God.
- When they stopped going forward in the power of the disciples, the power departed.
- Who has ever come to the Lord by their ministry? They are not brought to a place of decision because they are afraid the person will make the wrong decision. If you’re going to be a Christian, you can’t make any decision for them. It is between them and God. You are willing to lose them as a friend or as a babysitter, etc. Why? Because it matters more what God has for them, than what they give you.
- The Lord has good things for you, but you have to choose Him! If you don’t choose the Giver, how can you expect to get the gift?
- Get rid of your agenda. The Lord has better things. Trust God, He knows your heart. He knows what would be a blessing for you. He knows how He can use you in His work.
- Submit yourself unto God. He knows what is best for you. He has a far better life than you ever envisioned.