Texas Wednesday Service 2017-12-20

Texas Wednesday Service 2017-12-20

Be ye perfect!  You can hear the word, read the word and dwell in fear, but you cannot do the word and dwell in fear. 




Service Notes For Wednesday Texas 2017-12-20


  • Steven Atherton


Romans 12, Romans 7, 1 Corinthians 15, John 15:5, Matthew 22:37:40, Romans 8:28, Matthew 5:48, Colossians 3:12, Proverbs 13:10


  • The word says, be ye perfect, when referring to our flesh it is continually imperfect, wicked and evil. Our flesh is flesh and it will perish, it will not rise again!
  • We desire that celestial bodies, that mansion that our Father has for us in heaven.  We get there by learning to not allow the flesh to rule us.
  • Present your body a living sacrifice.  Our flesh desires things for itself constantly, when we give up those things our flesh desires, we can start thinking on heavenly things.  Then our flesh will not rule us any longer.
  • What does it look like to present our bodies a living sacrifice?
  • The mercies of God are there to set us free from the consequences of our actions. 
  • The mind is the seed of our decision, if we are going to be different, our minds need to be changed.
  • As we hear and receive the word, we see a new and different living way. 
  • If we know without Him we can do nothing, how can we see ourselves as being better than anyone else.  The only difference between us and others is Jesus.  Deliver the word of God in meekness. 
  • When we know our nature, it’s easier to have compassion on others.  By nature we want to vaunt ourselves or lift ourselves up. 
  • Jesus washed feet, we need to be willing to do whatsoever is put in front of us.  Whatever job we’re doing, do it the best you can in the Lord, according to the faith you have as unto the Lord and be blessed together. 
  • Hope is something you haven’t yet realized, rejoicing in hope is an expression of faith and confidence in the Lord.
  • You can hear the word, read the word and dwell in fear, but you cannot do the word and dwell in fear. 
  • Being patient in tribulation is trusting God through it all. 
  • A prayer closet is our war room!  Like Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, He was warring in the Garden.
  • A saint is a believer on Jesus Christ, believing in means we know He exists, believing on means believing Him.
  • Our desire should be to bless even those who want to harm us.
  • Minding high things is desiring to be acknowledged and lifted up in pride. 
  • Go to Jesus for everything, when we start doing that, He moves. 
  • When we are proving the perfect will of God, that is what it is to be perfect, word of God.