Texas Wednesday Service 2020-07-15

Texas Wednesday Service 2020-07-15

Having done all to stand, stand.  Submit yourself therefore to God by submitting to your authority in the Lord.



Service Notes For Wednesday Texas 2020-07-15


  • Rick Eutsler


  • Philippians 2:14, Ephesians 6:10-13, Romans 7:25, James 4:4-8, 2 Timothy 2:7, Psalms 136, 1 John 1:9


  • In all things trust the Lord.
  • The Lord gives us authorities for good reason.  As children you need to be taught a right way, to have a chance to make it. If you submit and obey you will generally learn faster. 
  • A parent’s job is to train their children to grow up and operate in the responsibility of being an adult, as well as a parent in the Lord to either their child or to be another person train them to stand in the responsibility of faith. 
  • You in your flesh cannot defeat the flesh, learn to be strong in Christ, in His might. That is how you overcome and defeat the flesh. 
  • To put on the armor of God is to be in Christ. It’s His armor. If you’re in Christ, you cannot be moved! You want to not be moved, be in Christ!
  • When you make a declaration to walk in Christ, the enemy comes against you because He doesn’t want good for you.  Are you going to fight? Or will you give up and give the enemy what he wants?  Stand in Christ’s strength and defeat the enemy. 
  • Choose to believe and hold fast to the Gospel, the sufficiency of the blood of Christ for you. 
  • Stand by agreeing that Jesus is right! Serve God or serve yourself.  Do you want to be the enemy of God?  If you WILL be a friend of the world, you are the enemy of God.
  • How do you submit yourself to God?  Submit to your authority in the Lord.  That takes humility and submission.  Anything else is pride, God resisteth the proud. 
  • You will not be able to out-wait the devil, you have to pick up the sword and fight!  Drive the enemy out with force!
  • Having done all to stand, stand.  Submit yourself therefore to God by submitting to your authority in the Lord.