My name is Micah Asberry. I was born May 8, 1996. Raised in broken, dysfunctional homes, I entered adulthood like many in my generation – angry, frustrated and without motivation, determination or patience. See my biography for details.
A few years prior to coming to Grace Ranch, I called myself a Christian but I knew there was something missing. One day I prayed and told God that I want to know the truth. Shortly thereafter, my situation went from bad to worse. I found myself without a job, education or apparent way of getting back on my feet and living with a homosexual and his family. About that time, I remembered that Rick Eutsler (who I knew through the Havasu Airgunners and later worked with for a bit) had suggested that Grace Ranch might be a good place for me, so I called him and a short while thereafter (in early 2016) I was living at Grace Ranch.
I still had a lot of bad attitudes, but the people showed me kindness and a patience that I had not known. They even paid for me to travel to Cincinnati, Ohio to visit my mother who I had not seen for years and then paid for me to come back after a lengthy visit.
After about a year at the ranch, Steve Atherton asked me at dinner one night, “Micah do you think you’ve learned more this past year then in any previous year of your life?”
I answered, “I’ve learned more this year then in all the years of my life.”
Still, I struggled a lot of times with attitudes, but the people at the ranch loved me still. Shortly after that conversation, Rick Eutsler took me back to Lake Havasu City with him so I could visit my brother and friends. About a month later, I returned to the ranch.
I really don’t think that many of the lessons they were teaching me sunk in until just before the 2017 Ministers Conference. It was then that I began to embrace service as the way of the Lord. Prior to that, Steve used to kid me regularly saying things like:
“Micah, I sure am glad I’m 54 years old because you make 20 seem so hard!”
“Micah, let me know when you enjoy something. I want to see what that looks like.”
Shortly before the 2017 Ministers Conference, but not too long after I began to disciple under Carter Price, I finally decided to give servitude a try. It amazed me how the joy of the Lord began to enter my life. Further, many of the things that I struggled with like anger, judgment and lack of motivation began to turn around. Since Conference, I have entered into training to be a minister through the Elijah’s School for the Prophets at the ranch. I now truly look forward to taking my place in the Body of Christ and serving Him.